Sunday, July 25, 2010

FUNHOUSE TATTOO - a little overview..

Here's Fester doing another FINE piece!! Perfectly executed Chinese letters.. complete with brush strokes. You could see all the tiny lines from the camel hair brush that it could have originaly been painted with! Don't know if that's what they use in China for brushes...
Fester tattoos with confidence and precision. Natural instinct. He has years under his belt of hardships & good times. He's had to jump some hurdles in his lifetime! All of these things can side track you from your trajectory of being a professional tattoo artists. He stuck with it and now 13 years later.... greatness.

Sasha does too! I don't think you will find another quite like her. ...This feather is so clean and well done. All this talent and ability is from YEARS of work. Working on your own legs... guinea pigging friends, working on Ryan! The amount of dedication it takes to do what she does is unbelievable. The anxiety and stress in the early years from trying to push your limits and occasionally falling on your face compares to accidentally cutting off the wrong foot of a patient with gang green in his toes... well, maybe not as bad. We have all been through it and come out the other side!!

It's as if one day, a light bulb goes on in your head and all of the sudden you're doing stuff like this:

or this shell by Sasha:

Now, because of the TV shows on tattooing, tons of people want to get into it. It's not the Outlaw art it used to be. It's great for business but it's lost it's edge. There are tons of kids who want to get an apprenticeship, or think it' s an easy job. It' s not. People think that just because you're a good artists, you can do this. Or just because you have a degree from some art school that you will be attractive to us to bring you in as an apprentice. Not true. We get tons of inquiries about an "apprenticeship program" or if we need any apprentices. Nobody ever NEEDS one... really. Maybe a helper to clean tubes... sterilize, answer phones... but to find somebody who is willing to dedicate YEARS of their life to learning this trade is a rare thing. It's even more rare to find somebody who is WORTH teaching this to.

I had an apprentice once - Jeremy Riley. He turned out GREAT. He was with me for 9 years!!! He now owns Tattoo Union on Broadway... right down the street from where he started.

For me, every aspect of tattooing is important. It's not just the art of tattooing...Here's a bit about what I do on the side... building tattoo machines.

This is the NEW steel BLACK WIDOW machine. It's coils are not only triangular in shape, the space between the protruding tops and bottoms allow for more winds of wire. It is a strong smooth running machine, yet sensitive and versatile enough to execute the finest details with the smallest needle groupings as well as subtle grey shades.

Most machine suppliers will sell a machine for the fair market price, but now that China is involved, the price does not always match the product. Most artists want to buy a machine which is ready to go. Buy one of those and if you don't know how to adjust of modify it, the price just wasn't worth it. Our machines are ready to go, tuned and set up to be able to perform whatever function you need to perform.

This is the Godoy Machines V3 machine. This piece of machinery has had year of designing and testing. It happens to be our 3rd patent in the works!! The way this machine runs doesn't compare to ANY machine out there. Every component has been dissected and re worked for function and ergonomics. From the precise machining to the tight layer winds, from the deluxe powder coated finishes to the minor details like fasteners and terminals... this is a piece of highly functional art. Because of the coils shapes, there are more layers of wire than on a standard machine. It will operate at between 6 and 7.5 on a regulated power supply. Which is a higher than on our V2 and Black Widow machines. This does not change function. You will not find a smoother feeling machine than this one. This is the Mercedes of tattoo machines.

The Godoy Machines V2... what can I say. Before our office actions with the square coil patent, we were experimenting with a V series coil. The shape of the coil, the angles of the coil... and of course the wire gauges were all things we were studying. We were also concerned with the magnetic field and how to direct it to where we wanted it to go. We slanted the coils, away from each other to re direct the magnetic field to either end of the moving armature bar, and here ya go... the V2 was born. Future modifications lead us to now, where the rear coil is straight and the front coil is angled.


We believe in advancement. We support creativity and originality. The shop environment, though light hearted and fun, is also serious. We are serious about the service we provide and the ethics we keep

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Miracles, Democracy, and the Fight Against SB 1070

Joel Olson is a member of the Repeal Coalition, which meets every Wednesday night.  The Coalition can be reached at or

One by one we go around the room.  Westate our name and why we are here at this meeting, seeking the repeal of SB1070 and other anti-immigrant laws. “I want to keep my family together.” “Ibelieve in human dignity.” “I’m afraid my family will be broken up.” “I believein freedom for all people.”  “I want a resolution to this problem.” “Iwant a new world.”  
This is what my Wednesday nights havebeen like since the passage of SB 1070 in April:  for three hours Isit in a hot, sweaty room at the local Catholic church in Flagstaff, Arizona,with anywhere from 25 to 50 adults plus a gaggle of little kids.   It’sa meeting of theRepeal Coalition, an all-volunteer, grassroots organization that isstruggling for the repeal of all anti-immigrant laws in Arizona.  Three-quartersor more of the participants are Latino.  About that many areundocumented or related to someone who is.  Women outnumber men, andthey participate more.  The discussion is noisy and animated, andmostly in Spanish, with people doing the best they can to translate intoEnglish or vice-versa.  Often just the gist gets translated.  (Someonesays a joke in Spanish and three-quarters of the room erupts in laughter andthe rest of us smile sheepishly, then someone says a joke in English and itgoes the other way.)  But somehow we feel like part of the samegroup.  The kids in the adjacent room tear through the paper andcrayons and cheap toys until someone pops in a video.  By 8:30 p.m.,exhausted, we clap it out, clean up, socialize, and take care of the littlethings we couldn’t get to in the formal meeting.  Then we all gohome, do the work we volunteered to do, and come back fighting the nextWednesday. This is what democracy looks like.
In Arizona right now, this is the lullbefore the storm.  SB 1070 is scheduled to become law on July 29.  Ifyou don’t know, SB 1070 is the notorious anti-immigrant law that makes it astate crime to be undocumented, requires everyone in the state to carry ID (“Yourpapers, please!”), makes it a crime to give an undocumented person a ride inyour car or a meal in your home, and practically mandates racial profiling. 
On July 29, if the police have “reasonablesuspicion” that you are undocumented, you will be ripped from your family andthrown in jail.
On July 29, if you give a ride in yourcar or allow into your home a person you know is undocumented, you are “recklesslydisregarding” that person’s legal status and can be arrested for “harboring” an“illegal alien.”
 On July 29, if you get stopped by thecops and you don’t have identification on you, this will count as “reasonablesuspicion” that you may be in the country illegally, and you are subject toarrest, no matter where you are from. 
If this sounds to you like the makingsof a police state, well, it does to me, too.
When Governor Jan Brewer signed 1070into law at the end of April, Arizonanstook to the streets in the tens of thousands.  Weorganized protests, held community forums, and spoke out wherever we could: thestate capitol, trailer parks in Phoenix, Flagstaff City Hall, the borders ofthe Tohono O’odham nation, neighborhoods in South Tucson. 
After the crowds died down, the lawyersstepped in.  To date at least six lawsuits have been filed that seekto prevent SB 1070 from going into effect, including one by the Obamaadministration.
Undocumented folks and their loved onesare holding their breath, praying that the lawsuits will succeed.  Butmany of them aren’t putting all of their eggs in that basket.  Theyknow that ultimately, onlygrassroots action will defeat this evil law
Which brings us to the meetings.
Americans generally don’t know how torun a meeting, or participate in one.  We can vote, we can speechify,and we can scream at each other, but we rarely debate constructively and in away that encourages the participation of all.  Our political systemsimply isn’t set up for that.  Instead, what typically happens isthat the people vote once a year or so and the politicians do the work—with thehelp of lobbyists, bureaucrats, judges, and lawyers, lots of lawyers; It’s a really limited form of democracy, when you think about it.
But the meetings of the RepealCoalition are entirely different.  They are utterly ordinary, yetincredible.  The great Marxist revolutionary C.L.R. James once wrotea pamphlet about direct democracy called “Every Cook Can Govern.”  Hewould have been inspired to see these cooks, cleaners, servers, chamber maids,college students, linen service workers, teachers, maintenance workers,warehouse clerks, and cashiers practice democracy in Arizona.  Andthe Coalition doesn’t just go through the motions of democracy like mostAmerican voters; we debate politics.  We cometogether, discuss the right thing to do, develop strategy, make decisions, andcarry them out.  People (mostly) raise their hand to speak and(mostly) listen patiently to others.  And we do all of this in twolanguages!
The political theorist Hannah Arendtclaims that ordinary people directly participating in politics is literally a miracle.  Miracles, she argues, are the spontaneous creation ofsomething new.  This, she argues, is precisely what people acting inthe public sphere do: they create a new beginning, a new community, a newpolitical possibility, something that has never existed before.
That’s what happens every Wednesdaynight in Phoenix and Flagstaff.  At one recent meeting, for example,Flagstaff Repeal discusses the finer points of a resolution we’ve written thatdemands the repeal of all anti-immigrant legislation in the state of Arizona.  Theresolution, which we hope the city council will pass, calls for the city toproclaim itself a safe haven for all people, whether they have papers or not.  Wediscuss and then approve the resolution unanimously, to great applause.  Wethen move on to developing strategy for how to get the city council to pass it.  Fromthere we discuss the situation of some undocumented workers who have beenunjustly treated and fired by the local Hampton Inn, and then to plans for aprotest and march against SB 1070 in downtown Flagstaff for the comingSaturday.  The facilitator (who is doubling as translator) gets usthrough the agenda so that we can end by 8:30.  We all marvel at whata great job she did—and it was her first time.  The meeting ends by “clappingit out,” or a slow, disorganized clap that increases in speed andsynchronization, leading to a crescendo of group unity and power until itbursts into individual applause again, reminding us of how the individual andthe collective are interdependent.
These meetings are inspiring, boring,disciplined, way off track, frustrating, empowering, intimidating, and awesome—oftenat the same time.  Like I said, this is what democracy looks like.
The Repeal Coalition’s slogan is “Fightfor the freedom to live, love, and work wherever you please.”  Butthis slogan is meaningless without another: “All people deserve the right tohave an equal say in those affairs that affect their daily lives.” Democracy isnot voting for elites every four years while quietly fuming at the tyranny ofyour boss for 40 hours a week (more if you’re undocumented).  It’sthe ability of all people to have a say in those affairs that affect theirdaily life.  At our meetings, we seek to live out this principle ofradical democracy.  It’s built into the very heart of the RepealCoalition: the weekly meeting.
The Repeal Coalition has been meetingevery week since March 2008.  For the first few months there werebetween a dozen and 20 people.  Sometimes there were four of us,staring at each other, wondering what the hell to do next.  That wasthe case last January, for example.  Thanks to an inside source, weknew the notorious bill that would soon be named SB 1070 was coming, evenbefore it was made public.  We talked about how we needed to build amovement to fight it.  But there were just four of us.  Whatthe hell could we do?
And then in April the world discoveredSB 1070, and we went from six people to 40 to 60 in two weeks (plus 20 kids—Ispent several meetings doing childcare in the adjacent room, occasionallysticking my head in the meeting room to hear what was going on).  Theprimary language went from English to Spanish.  The college students,who were formerly a majority in the group, became outnumbered by servers andlaundry workers.
Since then we’ve had at least 25 peopleat every meeting.  We’re busy, but we’re nervous.  July 29approaches.  People don’t know yet how they are going to keep theirfamilies together.  They are scared to drive, so they aren’t evensure how they’ll get to work, how they’ll get their kids to school, how they’llshop for groceries.  Down in Phoenix, Sheriff Joe Arpaio calls July29 the “magic day” when he can truly begin to sweep the streets clean of brownpeople.
Another political theorist, CarlSchmitt, argues that the real miracle in politics is what he calls “theexception.”  This is when a ruler declares an “extreme emergency” andsuspends the rule of law.  SB 1070 isn’t quite a miracle in thisrespect, because it is the law, even if it does suspendliberty and decency.  Regardless, July 29 is Arpaio’s miracle. 
In the face of this, Repeal keepsmeeting, planning, fighting, and conjuring our own miracle.
The question in Arizona right now, asJuly 29 approaches, is which miracle will win out, the miracle of grassrootsdemocracy or the “miracle” of unrestrained state power; the miracle of a newArizona, in which ordinary people—with “papers” or without—control the affairsthat affect their daily lives, or of the old Arizona, in which nativistpoliticians and business interests determine how the rest of us live.
I’m not sure which Arizona will win.  ButI’m damn sure that I’m not going to leave it to the lawyers.  I’ll seeyou at the next meeting.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dream Home Modern Design In West Hollywood

Dream Home Modern Design In West Hollywood Dream Home Modern bedroom Design

Dream Home Modern Design In West Hollywood Dream Home Modern Design ideas

Dream Home Modern Design In West Hollywood Dream Home Modern kitchen Design

Here is designer makes custom entertainment or media centers, tall windows, high ceilings, concrete floors built, modern glass roll up garage door. With a wrap-around private roof terrace to enjoy an incredible 360 degree view of downtown, Century City, the Hollywood sign and make this device ideal for entertaining. Chef is open counters with marble from Carrara to date, and dark wood cabinets, large island with bar and SS appliances. A separate service level, and private lands-end yard this ultimate live or work urban oasis.

The Great Hidden Interior modern design

Great Hidden Interior design

Great Hidden Interior ideas

The Great Hidden Interior decorate

The Great Hidden Interior ideas

The great Hidden Interior modern

This beautiful project is LOGOS, and is part of the cuisine & Living Series. The challenge was to create a living space for a young lady, a spacious, comfortable apartment wanted to build. So it is not in the kitchen much, so she wanted a kitchen that takes up little space. The result was the kitchen orange are hidden behind doors.

Walnut Interior House Design decorate by Giulietti Schouten Architecs

Walnut Interior House Design decorateWalnut Interior House Design decorate

Walnut Interior House Design decorateWalnut Interior House Design room decorate

In a beautiful mountainous region in McMinnville, Oregon, the Walnut Room is probably the best comes to Portland resident Giulietti Schouten Architects. As a low maintenance home that has been designed with two bedrooms, three bath home with a lasting structure Features.The set is built with a lot of concrete walls and wood veneer, wallboard and lots of glass for natural light. The Walnut House charm with modern design, the open space and the state of the art lighting supports. We’re totally exhausted, we love all the way down.

Design Interior Light Up Starway Ideas

Design Interior Light Up Starway IdeasDesign interior Light Up Starway

Design Interior Light Up Starway IdeasDesign Light Up Starway

Lights staircase is a low voltage (which implies a low cost) LED system with which you turn on your stairs with or without switch. The lights automatically open when you near the stairs, but they can also be controlled. There is also a generator connected to the system, so that in the case of a blackout of the stairs will still emit light for 12 hours.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Cover ups are serious business. They are a great way to get rid of regret, wether it's the memories of that Vegas trip when you got married by Elvis and got your future ex husband's name tattooed on you or wether it's a souvenir from your f*cked up teenage years experimenting with sewing needle and india ink tattoos! Emotional regret is a different story!!

Cover ups don't have to be so complicated. Any quality artist SHOULD be able to cover a tattoo. The "normal" way to cover a tattoo is to use a color that is darker than the colors used in the tattoo to be covered. Most artists (the mediocre ones) would have chosen a design which was mostly BLACK to cover this tribal, like another tribal or a mountain gorilla or... When in reality, a color that is the same value of the tattoo to be covered will work to blend it into the new design or to cover it. The tattoo in picture is greyish... a dolphin would have easily covered this, leaving plenty of clear skin to put a rainbow coming out of it's ass and not have the colors muddied up by the grey tattoo.

If you look at photo number one, the tattoo looks dark on the skin because the only color to contrast it is her skin color, but if you took a blue ball point pen and drew a line on the tattoo, you would see that the pen is darker than the tattoo and you would know that you have more options than you think!

Tattoo colors in their bottles look thick, dark and dense... they are much like tempera paint, or poster paints, the difference is in the surface they to be applied to. On paper, the color will be opaque, that is to say "solid" because the surface is not as porous as skin is so on paper, these colors can cover spots or patches which are dark. IN the skin, the colors go in transparent so there's no way you can cover a freckle with yellow, or pink or anything lighter in value than that freckle. They will show through, some darker scars will too... birthmarks, the same... GET IT?

how bout now?

In this tattoo I (Art) used shades of battle ship grey and watered down black to do the "base coat" of the tattoo... creating a foundation which would make it easier to add lighter colors around those areas to create depth.

If you need cover up work, think of the images that you like. It's up to us to make it cover that ugliness. You should be open minded because NOT all images will cover all tattoos, for example, a bright yellow happy face would never cover this grey tribal tattoo. The only other option, if your tattoo is super dark, besides tattooing a big black patch is laser treatments... which can be used to lighten the tattoo in order to have more options for cover up designs, or to get rid of it all together.

If anyone can do it, we can. Got one to do really soon, the clown who did it originally, knows who he is. Have a few ideas in mind just in CASE Your original idea doesn't work.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Valentin Apartment Modern Interior Design ideas

Valentin Apartment bathroom interior designValentin Apartment bathroom interior design

Valentin Apartment bathroom interior designValentin Apartment bathroom interior design

Valentin Apartment interior bedroom designValentin Apartment interior bedroom design

Valentin Apartment interior design by Emmanuel Combarel Dominique MarrecValentin Apartment interior design by Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec

Valentin Apartment interior design decorateValentin Apartment interior design decorate

Valentin Apartment interior design ideaValentin Apartment interior design idea

Valentin Apartment interior design inspiration ideasValentin Apartment interior design inspiration ideas

Valentin Apartment kitchen interior designValentin Apartment kitchen interior design

Valentin Apartment modern interior designValentin Apartment modern interior design

The Valentin apartment is an interesting modern minimalist apartment design ideas features a suspended room within the center of the apartment has been designed by Parisian architects Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec. The transformation of this small appartment has above all been strategic : Decompartmentalize the place so as to fit out an open plan and elude the demand of an extra room by conceiving in the center of the volume a suspended white cube which generates comic and disconcerting use situations. This former artist studio caracterised by a difference in height which shares the volume from a simple to a fake double height (3.70 m under ceiling in the main room) had been originally marqued by a awkward mezzanine under which one couldn’t be up and had, to get on it, to pass through a small doorway managed into a separating wall existing between the 2 volumes.

First step the plan is freed from all occurrences. The matter is to work on a 50 m² appartment in which the variety of orientations, volumes make possible unusual, uncommon living situations. The restraint of the demand of the client to fit out an independant bedroom has been turned into an advantage by putting this intermediary room in a central position, straddling the two floor levels, disconected from the floor. The bedroom becomes an islet in the heart of the appartment around which you can turn, experimenting different moods : up / down, below / above, on / under and revealing unseemly uses. The bedroom, connoted as the archetype of privacy, intimacy, becomes an object of curiosity by transgressing his symbolic value, appearing like an anomaly. Open and visible from the entry, it stands for a huge inhabited furniture. Facing the dining room, it can be used as a “bumrest” or a bench. Suspended right in the center of the appartment, leaving untouched the floor and the circulations around, it divides the space, reversing the perception of the atmosphere in the appartment by making private what is usually not : the living room. Wherever you stand below or above, it truncates the perception of the occupiers bodies of whom one only sees the legs sitting, crossing or walking around in the place. The suspended bos is made of a metallic structure (section 40 x 40 mm) covered with wooden panels. The cube – as well as the floor, the walls and the ceiling, has been painted with a white polyurethane resin.
The Valentin apartment is an interesting modern minimalist apartment design ideas features a suspended room within the center of the apartment has been designed by Parisian architects Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec. The transformation of this small appartment has above all been strategic : Decompartmentalize the place so as to fit out an open plan and elude the demand of an extra room by conceiving in the center of the volume a suspended white cube which generates comic and disconcerting use situations. This former artist studio caracterised by a difference in height which shares the volume from a simple to a fake double height (3.70 m under ceiling in the main room) had been originally marqued by a awkward mezzanine under which one couldn’t be up and had, to get on it, to pass through a small doorway managed into a separating wall existing between the 2 volumes.

First step the plan is freed from all occurrences. The matter is to work on a 50 m² appartment in which the variety of orientations, volumes make possible unusual, uncommon living situations. The restraint of the demand of the client to fit out an independant bedroom has been turned into an advantage by putting this intermediary room in a central position, straddling the two floor levels, disconected from the floor. The bedroom becomes an islet in the heart of the appartment around which you can turn, experimenting different moods : up / down, below / above, on / under and revealing unseemly uses. The bedroom, connoted as the archetype of privacy, intimacy, becomes an object of curiosity by transgressing his symbolic value, appearing like an anomaly. Open and visible from the entry, it stands for a huge inhabited furniture. Facing the dining room, it can be used as a “bumrest” or a bench. Suspended right in the center of the appartment, leaving untouched the floor and the circulations around, it divides the space, reversing the perception of the atmosphere in the appartment by making private what is usually not : the living room. Wherever you stand below or above, it truncates the perception of the occupiers bodies of whom one only sees the legs sitting, crossing or walking around in the place. The suspended bos is made of a metallic structure (section 40 x 40 mm) covered with wooden panels. The cube – as well as the floor, the walls and the ceiling, has been painted with a white polyurethane resin.

Modern Minimalist Apartment Interior livingroom Decorating Ideas

apartment interior livingroom decorating ideasapartment interior livingroom decorating ideas

apartment interior livingroom decorating inspirationapartment interior livingroom decorating inspiration

apartment interior livingroom decorating photoapartment interior livingroom decorating photo

apartment interior livingroom decorating pictureapartment interior livingroom decorating picture

minimalist apartment interior study roomminimalist apartment interior study room

minimalist apartment interior decorating photosminimalist apartment interior decorating photos

minimalist apartment interior livingroom decorating ideaminimalist apartment interior livingroom decorating idea

minimalist apartment interior livingroom decorating inspiration minimalist apartment interior livingroom decorating inspiration

minimalist apartment interior study areaminimalist apartment interior study area

Ozhan Hazirlar has designed this cool collection of modern minimalist apartment interior decorating ideas to spark your creativity and style. Making the small space of an apartment to be look more elegant, fresh and feel big is one of the biggest challenges that we have. One of the most essential ways to make an apartment seem clean, big and open is to make sure it stays organized. Making a small apartment into your own personal comfortable living space is easy and affordable. Color is one of the great tools we have for making spaces look and feel a certain way. Another way to give some pop to the room is to choose an accent wall. This nice modern minimalist apartment collection might inspire you in designing your own apartment interior decoration.


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