Sunday, July 13, 2008


I think it’s important that we understand the nature of the elements responsible for the mobilisation of our own images—even if such are seen with dismay in relation to our own process of cultural-negotiation. I emphasise (and will continue to) the importance of looking at things in terms of what their surface present or offer before moving towards an understanding of it in terms of the objective-domain known to us as ‘re-presentation’. Must we always assume that visual elements have some deeper meaning detached from its immediate presence? And as important as these tacitly implemented elements to a certain image’s understanding is: are the people assumed to be at the receiving end of its presentation—giving meaning to its nature as a re-presentation—always equipped with the reflective-impulses we have incorporated into our appreciation of the world through academic texts and so forth—reflective-impulses which have become integral in our own personal reactions against what is being offered visually and musically to us through the media?

The problematic of moving towards a common and unified notion of ourselves within an identity-axiom might not be resolved if the majority (if not its entirety) of such a process takes place upon a ‘traditional-heritage’ bedrock insensitive to the significance of immediate spaces imbued with our presence and vice-versa. Must our present concerns always entangled in the matrix-like net of our ancestral-past? We must agree that the latter is fundamental to understanding ourselves yet must this understanding be guarded and defended against any modern elements of our ‘alien’ surrounding?

The surface level of images and musical elements of popular-(sub)cultures dominant in the T.V-boxes of our urban living-rooms is attractive and eye-catching because it is infused and filtered through with ‘STYLES’—to which our youths consign and relegate the ‘COOL’ and ‘BAD’ aspect of their own self-carrying outside these living-rooms. How does this work? I don’t know dude but it is the concern of this blog as referred to earlier. We don’t know the complexities of the operations and dynamics behind the virtual-forces driving and regulating the surface as we see it in the media but we know that it works in communion with the elements on the surface as we see and experience it on T.V and computer screens and so forth. Certainly, we now know for sure that culture as we aspire ourselves in connection to its maintenance and processes is likewise a highly politicised and regulated element of our being.


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