Wednesday, July 9, 2008


What do we say to a generation who utilises an element of social consciousness in a way difficult for us to understand and actually recognise it? In a way we disagree with on the surface yet our real opinions are secluded from reality and the obvious dynamics of life as we relate to each other’s otherness? Do we prescribe to them how ought to relate to each other and the form or tools with which they ought to communicate? Do we prescribe the temperament and the kind of morals with which one ought to express her or his very own conditions? Colonial Discourse thrived through similar en-routes. How we are colonised and suppressed are carried out through similar tools and elements. So how does one resist being the very oppressor he/she attempts to ward off? How do we de-colonise the mind with which we communicate and express ourselves? How do we re-present ourselves to the world in ways other than our very own conditions? How do we tell the world that we are ‘niggers’ and ‘coconuts’ at the same time we are not? How do we flip the identity-structure with which we have been identified throughout history so that the negative connotations become transparent? In a way that in the moment of articulation there is no space for reflection and no time to theorise in accordance to some problematic dimension of that which is being used to re-present ourselves?


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