Monday, June 14, 2010

Video of the Week - Young Sid (ft Stan Walker) "Stuck in a box"

...So far (if there aren't anymore future single releases from the album), this has to be my favorite video from the 3 videos made so far. Anyone expecting the images to follow the lyrics in a literal sense will get it from this video, but in a different manner. Anyone with enough understanding and exposure to the media will know where this video is shot. And with also enough knowledge of how low socioeconomic areas or communities are portrayed in the media will connect the video setting with the song. I remember reading a review of Sid's album on the Socialist Aotearoa blog and I was pointed to the connection between the contents of Sid's rhymes and the idea of a living within a post-industrial city (Auckland). The struggle inherent within that world with regards to poor people and the political and economic system within which they live and are enslaved. I would go further as to say that though it is to some extent a post-industrial world in which we live, perhaps it is more a world in the process of de-industrialisation. Because it is within this idea that we might be able to connect more what is happening in the images in the video to the world and its present state. Post-industrial connotes an idea or state of being over a phase but in an innate and stagnant sense, as if we are already over industrialisaion...I'm a bit of a buffer when I see things that are clever and I would leave comments or criticism where I feel it's needed, positive criticism that is. And I know some might read this and think, just leave the song as it is and stop trying to sound smart, or it's just a song......well, be that as it may, one of the things I enjoy and I think stands out about rappers and artists like Sid is the ability of their work to reach beyond its immediate objection(s). The ability of being regarded as a multi-dimensional artist without going too overboard with the intentions of your work is clever. To bring something common to our experiences and put it up as a metaphor for a larger struggle requires depths of talent. The video is awesome....Don't forget to buy the album. Get it here while you're at it

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